Thursday, April 19, 2007

Comment Spam

I've discovered what must be comment spam. I posted about some notebooks yesterday and I got a very strange comment from an "Alex" [better not be CADCowboy] that was rambling nonsense inserted with names of drugs. Kate commented about Alex's strange comment which was funny, but I wanted to get rid of the comment spam so I deleted the entire post along with the comments and reposted the same things again. Sure enough, "Alex" and his blog spam struck again. However, this time I figured out how to delete just the comment spam without deleting other's comments. In conclusion, I'm quite disturbed by the intrusive comment's bad enough that I have to slog through e-mail spam.


kateisfun said...

Alex, that jerk!

Ann said...

Ironically, the post on unwanted comments from stranger who only want to advertise their own random drugs seemed to have attracted more of the same thing so I had to delete the post.