Friday, April 06, 2007


We went to saw The Namesake tonight in Harvard Square and I was super excited because I really enjoyed the book. The following is a reconstructed conversation between my friends Zeff, Zatrick and me. Zeff and I have immigrant parents whereas Zatrick family lines goes back quite a few generations.

plasticann: I've been really wanting to see The Namesake.
Zeff: Yeah, I totally want to see that too.
Zatrick: What's it about?
plasticann: It's about...
Zeff:'s about the immigrant experience.
Zatrick: Well, I don't really know much about that, we go a few generations back.
plasticann: Well, you kinda "immigrated" to a different part of the country...Boston.
Zatrick: Yeah, where there are way too many people. I can't wait to leave and get back to the trees.

Zatrick grew up on a hobby farm with cows a milking where the land was a plenty. He finds Boston a bit constricting.

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