Friday, July 20, 2007

I'm Not A Plastic Bag

I was reading about this Anya Hindmarch "I'm Not A Plastic Bag" bag craze earlier this week and even e-mailed MGDub in jest asking her to buy me one because they were being sold in NYC Whole Foods on Wednesday. Adam, who is charmingly practical and unfazed by trends, fads, etc, asked, "Doesn't Whole Foods sell other canvas bags that people could buy?" and "Do these bags look any different other than saying 'I'm Not A Plastic Bag?" I tried to no avail to explain that the bag is designed by so and so and yada yada yada. The truth is, Adam is totally right, it's just a canvas bag. It's cute, but it kinda defeats the spirit of the bag to get gouged on ebay from bag scalpers.


alissa said...

if i ever figure out how to use my sewing machine i'll make you a not plastic shopping bag. then you'll have an original!

Ann said...

That would be awesome! For now, I'm going to take plastic bags and write "I'm not a canvas bag" with a Sharpie.