Thursday, July 12, 2007

New Home

Adam and I just got back late Monday night from a three week vacation to Japan and Taiwan with plasticmom. We had a blast eating our way through Tokyo and Taipei and seeing all the cool sights. Today, we closed on our new condo so we're now officially homeowners. It hasn't sunk in yet, but I do feel overwhelmed by yet another move and I feel intimidated by the responsibility of maintenance. Hopefully, we'll become handy responsible people who water the yard and shovel snow. I've already purchased the Martha Stewart Homekeeping Handbook which has instructions for everything from washing dishes to exterminating pests.

1 comment:

Wayne Wei-siang Hsieh said...


I just got your letter--will write shortly. Apologies for my being generally remiss with correspondence--I don't think I ever properly thanked you for that AWESOME Dodger keychain thing.

And congratulations on owning (well, sorta owning, due to the mortgage company) real property!

Anyhow, the real reason I wanted to leave this comment is that while the Stewart book, which I haven't seen, may have enough on these issues, I've also found the Black & Deck Complete Photo Guide to Home Repair useful.