Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Martha For The Masses

My sister-in-law, Zara, was so excited about the Martha Stewart Collection at Michael's that she called me up to share the news. "I've always wanted a bone folder and now I can buy one from Martha Stewart," exclaimed Zara. Since I live 2.84 miles from the nearest Michael's and I'm pretty sure it's a 2.84 miles that includes unwalkable highways, I checked it out online and it looks pretty awesome. I especially enjoy the "share" collection with all if the cool food boxes. Other evidence that Ms. Martha is poised once again to take over the world, the new Martha Stewart Collection at FLOR. A little blah, but ever so tasteful...gotta love it.

1 comment:

Ann said...

I went to Macy's today and lo and behold...what do you know...Martha Stewart everything for your home.