Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Makeshift Chemex

I broke my Chemex coffee maker...again. This is the third one that's shattered, all from not super traumatic accidents. The first tipped over and bonked itself on the metal part of the stove. The second one I think I set down in the sink a little harder than usual and it shattered. The latest one shattered while it was sitting on the counter when I dropped a plastic box of seaweed that weighed all of 2 ounces on the rim. I think they're just fragile and while I love the Chemex, I'm not excited about investing in a fourth one. I think the key to the Chemex system is the triple bonded filters so I've been experimenting with makeshift systems. Yesterday, I used a plastic funnel for the filter and set it over my Brown Betty Teapot. Worked reasonably well, but took a wicked long time since the funnel hole was quite small. So, I bought a silicone funnel and cut part of the bottom off to create a larger hole. This morning, I used it over a tall Pyrex container so I could tell how much coffee I was making. (800 CC) Small problem, the tall Pyrex had no handle so it was too hot to handle. I had to put on my mitts...both hands. Tomorrow, I'm going to try using a Nalgene water bottle as my coffee container. The mouth might be too small, but it won't shatter and it'll tell me how much I'm making.


Anonymous said...

You might want to check on the safety of Nalgene and hot liquids. Glass is the best.

Ann said...

Thanks for the warning...I double checked Nalgene and their Polycarbonate bottles "Withstands temperatures from -135ºC (-211ºF) to 135ºC (275ºF)" Whew!