Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Not On The Same Wavelength...At All

Adam's friend from college, Adam, was passing through town on the way back from a big cheese making convention in Vermont. Let's call him "Foodieadam" since he's a gourmet food venture capitalist. He had about 40 pounds of cheese that he bought in coolers and he was kind enough to share his loot with us. The following is a reconstructed conversation that occured while we were enjoying a delicious spread of cheese:

Adam: We would love to come visit you guys this fall, come see the baby, see you place.
Foodieadam: Yeah, that would be great. You know what, you should come on the weekend my neighbor has this big cassoulet party in his backyard.
Adam: [a little unsure] OK, that sounds like fun.
Foodieadam: Last year they had a big tent and everyone brings their cassoulet for a contest.
Adam: Um...what exactly is this castle...???
Foodieadam: Oh, it's this French dish where you stew beans, sausage, duck, etc.
Adam: I had no idea what you were talking about. I thought you had said something about "castles."
plasticann: I totally thought he said "castles" and I was thinking bouncy castles in a backyard so I was confused.
[chuckles all around]
Foodieadam: [continuing on] Well, every year it gets better and better. I met this woman who owns a game company and she's going to be one of the judges for the contest. They make this great blah blah blah, yada yada yada and duck...
plasticann: Oh, you meant like game as in meat...
Adam: I thought you meant board games at first...
plasticann: ...and I was thinking, "gosh, I've never heard of these games."
Foodieadam: People, the theme here is food...you've got to think food.

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