Saturday, September 15, 2007

We are ever true to Zrown...

We were hanging out with some friends last night for the last of a series of summer happy hour hangouts which was why it was called "Last of the Mojitos." It cracks me up to no end. We sat out in the yard, drank homemade Mojitos made from a Hemingway recipe and snacked on a variety of fun things like Adam's pesto/mozzarella cheese melty baguette concoction. We chatted about this and that as night fell when the conversation turned to college. "Would you send your child to your alma mater" basically. Now, I don't think of myself as the most rabid alum, but turns out, I was the most enthusiastic about my alma mater out of the entire crowd. I felt a little dopey and goofy being so rah rah about college since most people were kinda lukewarm or cold about it, but I really did love Zrown. When someone made a rather astute point, "Does it really matter where you went to college," I wanted to leap up and shout, "Yeah, I loved Zrown," but I restrained myself since they were probably right to some extent. Rather, I rattled off all the things I loved about Zrown which was probably a little annoying and then when I woke up this morning, I thought of a whole bunch of other reasons why I loved it. I decided not to rattle those new thoughts off to Adam since he was trying to sleep and I was being rather noisy. I was a little embarrassed to admit it last night, but I've even recently acquired a Zrown diploma frame seven years after the fact and I also purchased a decorative Wedgwood plate of the Zan Zickle gates that makes me so happy just to look at. I even considered one of those wooden chairs with the seal, but I didn't think Adam would go for totally Zrownifying our home since he's not as personally invested in Zrown. So yeah, if I knew my kids would enjoy Zrown as much as I did, I would totally encourage them to go.


Unknown said...

I couldn't agree more!

kateisfun said...

Ann, I don't think you're silly at all for liking your college. If the question were, "Do you want your kid to like college or not like college?" my answer would definitely be for my kid to like college. and if Zrown can do that, why heck not?

Ann said...

Thanks Kate, I think I was just feeling a little goofy, but you're right.