Friday, September 28, 2007

Rappin' Down The Street

I should have been up at 7am on Thursday, but I was tired and procrastinating which is why I was so irritated to discover that our street is the shortcut a number of teenagers take from the Davis T over to their high school. At first, I thought it was neighborhood toddlers that were being vocal so I rolled out of bed to check things out. Instead of cute little kids, I saw packs of teenagers walking down the middle of our street, laughing and joking around. Just being normal teenagers, but they were being kinda loud especially since our windows were open. I flopped back into bed and tried to "rest" pulling my comforter over my head when I heard what sounded like someone rapping right in front of our house. I heard some "S" words and some "N" words and I don't mean shoot or nincompoop so I had to get up and see for myself. I saw one lone teenage boy with giant headphones shuffling down our street very slowly to the beat of his very loud rapping. He looked like a nice enough kid in his slacks and sweater vest, but at that moment...I wanted to tell him to " quiet." It was, after the fact, kind of an endearing sight and I don't think he was intending to be disruptive, but I sure hope he walk more briskly in the future so I don't have to wake up to his rapping... it's not my favorite.

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