Wednesday, October 01, 2003

The Coke Lady

Plasticmom keeps her office in Coke and passes out cold sodas to the delivery folks that stop by their mail order business each day. The UPS guy prefers Coke and the Mail Lady enjoys boxes of Chinese iced tea. Due to a freak accident involving a tree branch and this natural phenomenon we call gravity, the number of usable motor vehicles in our household has dropped. Consequently, plasticmom has not been able to replenish the Coke supply. Her boss has taken to offering this explanation for the lack of Coke, "The Coke Lady's car broke so there's no Coke, but we have iced tea," as if Coke is only available through the "Coke Lady." Now the UPS guy peppers plasticmom with daily questions, "How is the Coke Lady? Is the Coke Lady's car fixed?" Nina thinks the "Coke Lady" sounds like a drug dealer, but plasticmom is merely enabling a caffeine addiction. However, plasticmom has discovered the following truism---plying delivery folks with cold drinks increases their helpfulness because they'll voluntarily stop by the warehouse for an extra delivery or pick up, but only for plasticmom.

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