Monday, November 10, 2003


This sunday was a momentous occasion, it was the first time I'd ever seen Nina wear pants in the three plus years I've been working with her. Sure, I'd heard tales about how back in the day Nina wore giant pants, but I've only seen her wear skirts and dresses. Nina, Jess, Adam and I went and saw the ELF movie. We all loved it and it was hilarious and sweet and touching and really really funny. I've got a few favorite lines from the movie including when Buddy answers the phone at his biological (human) father's office, "Hi, it's Buddy the Elf. What's your favorite color?" Upon hearing that Santa will be arriving at the department store, Buddy screams, "Santa...I know him." Finally, witnessing toilets in human proportions having come from a land of little elves with wee little toilets, Buddy enthusiastically describes the toilets as, "gi-normous!"

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