Thursday, November 13, 2003

Gift Ideas

I must confess that I love Christmas, but that's no secret. I love the whole gift giving process: purchasing, wrapping, etc. I could be completely done by Thanksgiving if not for my baking plans because who wants to eat stale moldy month old cookies. That order to spread more Christmas cheer which will mostly serve to cheer me up, I present my Christmas 2003 list of gift ideas. I'm feeling up for a (realistic) challenge so I'm shooting for 100 ideas by Christmas...this will be an instance of quantity not quality. If you happen to be someone who may receive a gift from me this season, do not fret...I will try not feature the gift you are about to receive this year until after you've unwrapped your gift. However, some gifts that are less specialized from this year's Ann's gift list will be featured prematurely on the gift guide...after all who's going to be upset that they saw "cookies" on my gift guide and their surprise was ruined because they got "cookies?" That said....(drumroll please)....the countdown:

100. Homemade Cookies...always a surefire hit unless the recipient is diabetic. Remember, holiday amnesty renders cookies non-caloric and non-fat.

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