Monday, November 24, 2003

The Event of the Holiday Season

MGDub beat me to the chase, but in honor of MGDub's Annual Holiday Gift Swap...a reiteration of some sure fire Diamonds coupled with sure fire Coals.

Diamond or Coal: Pet Goldfish---really depends on the crowd
Coal: Laundry Detergent & Dryer Sheets...yours truly discovered this practical gift was the pariah of the party. MGDub had to beg one of her friends to take it off her hands.

Diamond: Anything from The Onion
Coal: Gift wrapped box of bagels

Diamond: Sandwich Maker & a composed "Ode to the Sandwich Maker"....Adam gets major “props” for this one.
Coal: Used personal hygiene items such as contact lenses.

Diamond: CASH in unmarked bills or gift certificates. [I personally frown upon such uncreative selections, but they seem to be popular]
Coal: CHANGE in penny increments.

A cautionary note: For the sake of MGDub's shindig...everyone should not just bring one of these items. The more Onion calendars there are at the event, the less desirable they's merely an issue of supply and demand.

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