Monday, December 01, 2003

"Hello Kitty Pretty Kitty"

42. Toast her adorable image onto every slice of carbo tastiness

43. Luggage that could persuade me to stop my rantings on the negative externalities of carry-on suitcases....oh no...rage's all fun and games if a few people cart on their suitcases as carry-ons, but it's not OK when everyone does it. It's a problem if your "carry-on" requires two to lift into the overhead bin...that's a good indication that it's TOO heavy and you're taking up TOO much space. It becomes my problem when the heft of your "carry-on" causes you to lose your balance and it whacks me in the head. Finally, "carry-ons" that clear the width of the aisle by merely an inch are TOO wide because they clog up the aisles. That said, if anyone feels so inclined to buy me one...who am I to refuse, but I would definitely check it.

44. Illuminate your love for Hello Kitty.

45. If not for my oddly shaped ears, this FM Radio would be awesome...gently poke her eyes to change the station.

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