Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Buhhht all the cool kids have 256MB!

Having received a generous bonus this weekend for last year's dedication, I wanted to celebrate by getting plasticmom a fun present. She initially asked for a dozen Papermate stick pens in green. Upon further consideration and having realized her request cost all of 99 cents, plasticmom requested one of those key chain type USB memory drive gadgets to transport her PowerPoint presentations and other documents between school and home. The following is a reconstructed conversation between plasticann and plasticmom with a guest appearance by Adam.

plasticmom: I really want one of those Flash Drive key chain things.
plasticann: Sure, I'll look into it and order you one.
plasticmom: All the other students in my class have them and I wanted to buy one, but I didn't know which one to buy when I went to CompUSA.

plasticann: Mom, can I call you back in a few minutes, Adam's on the phone.

plasticann: Hi Adam!
Adam: blah blah blah!
plasticann: blah blah blah...guess what, I'm going to buy my mom one of those key chain memory gadgets. I think I'm going to get her 128MB, that should be enough.
Adam: Ask her what she needs it for. She probably only needs 20MB.
plasticann: PowerPoint and papers and stuff, I guess I figure out how much memory she really needs.
Adam: blah blah blah...Bye!
plasticann: Talk to you tomorrow.

plasticann: Hi mom, I was just talking to Adam. What are you using the memory key chain and how much memory do you need.
plasticmom: Schoolwork and pictures and things.
plasticann: Well, I was going to get you 128MB, but Adam thinks you may only need 20MB if you're only using it for your homework.
plasticmom: You tell Adam I need 256MB.
plasticann: That's like 2 or 3 CDs and dozens of floppy disks. Your digital camera only as 128MB and you could carry around hundreds of pictures with 256MB
plasticmom: That sounds good.
plasticann: Why do you need 256MB?
plasticmom: All the cool kids have 256MB.
plasticann: Well then, if we're talking about cool kids...256MB it is.

Footnote to this amusing episode is plasticmom went to CompUSA to check out the gadgets and kept asking for 250MB and the salesperson told her they 250MB devices didn't exist because it's 256MB. On another note, why does the price keep dropping on Amazon. It was lower this morning than it was yesterday and the price dropped again this afternoon. It's already dropped 20% in price thus far between yesterday morning and this afternoon.

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