Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Stash of Candy and Nuts

I started at a new company this week which sounds much more dramatic than in actuality. I'm really working the same job in relatively the same place at a new company that consists of not all, but many of the same folks. There will be no Nina, no Jessica, no Greg, no Carol and no more general joyful L@#@&%* mayhem. It's truly heartbreaking, but don't get me started on that because I'll get depressed.

Nonetheless, I'm in Harvard Square temporarily before I move back to good ole Kendall Square merely two blocks away from where I once worked. The brief sojourn in Harvard Square is not without its perks. More lunch options, daily trips to Bob Slate and a shorter T ride by two stops. I digress! The friendly folks here in Harvard Square gave me a tour of the office featuring the usual water cooler, copier, fax machine and office supplies, but the tour also featured the Candy and Nut Drawers...note the plural in Drawer.

As the keeper of the gum bin at the old L@#@&%*-Kendall Square, I was flabbergasted at the overwhelming sight. Huge drawers filled with Candy and Nuts and unless the drawers were fitted with false bottoms, each drawer held least twenty if not forty pounds of treats. Unbelievable! Granted we enjoyed a greater variety of snacks at L@#@&%*-Kendall Square, but the sheer quantity of candy and nuts here is borderline disturbing. Just think how many pestilent squirrels could feed off that drawer of nuts? Dozens if not hundreds.

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