Monday, February 16, 2004

Funny Story Mostly at Steve's Expense

I e-mailed Nina the following annecdote since she enjoys physical humor like people falling down (as long as they're not seriously hurt). Please note that no one was ultimately hurt physically.

So Steve and I were taking the T home last night and we could hear our train pulling into the station so we start running (a big "no no" I know in Nina's book) toward the turnstiles. I whip out my pass, I go through and I see Steve running into the turnstiles at top speed. He doesn't go through, but slams into the immobile turnstile. I wondered if he was trying to jimmy the turnstile so he wouldn't need to use his pass because we were in a hurry. At this point, I'm on the other side of the entrance and I'm watching Steve back up and run into another turnstile, once again at full speed and without a pass. As one would guess, he slammed right into the turnstile. Then Steve, having realized he forgot about the whole T pass thing, pulls out his wallet and takes out his pass and finally comes through the turnstile safely. We still caught that train by the way, but I was doubled over in laughter and I couldn't believe he ran full speed into the turnstile TWICE. He was distracted and thought we were "exiting" rather than "entering" and forgot he needed to use his pass.

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