Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Havaianas...how I love thee!

Finally, someone who's even more of a Havaianas fan than me. Adam sent me this article by a woman who's a self diagnosed Havaiana flip flop addict with 24 pairs. Fortunately, she lives in the Philippines so she can wear her Havaianas year round. I haven't accumulated 24 pairs [yet], but I do live in New England where the frigid winters last six months so it's hard even to justify owning six pairs. I am, however, happy to report that plasticmom is a Havaianas convert.

plasticmom: Can you buy me some more of those Brazilian flip flops next time you're at the Brazilian supermarket? I wear them everyday and I only have two pairs.
plasticann: Two pairs? I only bought you one.
plasticmom: I bought another pair when I was in Vancouver. I found them at Eaton's buried in a pile of clearance flip flops.
plasticann: How much were they in Canada?
plasticmom: Around CAD$15.
plasticann: Not super cheap, but that sounds about right.
plasticmom: An older woman chastised me when I was standing in line to pay. She didn't understand why I was buying the plain looking Havaianas when there were other "prettier" more expensive looking flip flops selling for much less. I just nodded, but I didn't tell that these special Brazilian flip flops has a squishy footbed because I didn't think she'd really appreciate it.

Note: Obviously, the naysayer was not in the know.

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