Monday, May 15, 2006

Odd Couple

MGDub and I were chatting last night when we got on the topic of Little People Big World.

plasticann: Hey, I'm really enjoying LPBW.
MGDub: Isn't it a good show! I really like the dad Matt, he's my favorite.
plasticann: I kinda like the kids and the mom, Amy.
MGDub: I don't like how Amy's a naysayer. I like how Matt's into his farm, it made me so sad when he had to go back to his corporate job.
plasticann: Well, I thought it was a good idea he went back to selling software, he does have a family to support and no health insurance. Plus Amy was stressed out about finances.
MGDub: [defensively] Well, has he ever not provided for his family.
plasticann: [even more defensively] Well, it's stressing amy out.
MGDub: Well, Amy just needs to chill out.
plasticann & MGDub: [laughter]

I don't think I quite appreciate Matt's free spiritness as much as MGDub. I identify with Amy.

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