Friday, May 12, 2006


Last Sunday, I procrastinated by watching four episodes of "My Super Sweet Sixteen" on MTV. Honestly, the excess is slightly nauseating, but I'm morbidly drawn to it. One reviewer likened the show to eating an entire sheet cake in one sitting and feeling sick afterwards. What gets me is that the kids on the show aren't even happy which mostly makes me feel grateful that I'm not super nor sixteen. When Adam got home last Sunday, I had to confess that I'd procrastinated from studying by watching the show. Initially, he didn't really understand why I felt the need to fess up until I later revealed that I'd watched four episodes and had started to watch Tiara Girls. What's worse is I could have been watching TIVOed episodes of Little People Big World, a vastly more reeming show with extremely likable characters so I was able to eventually revers the effects of watching My Super Sweet Sixteen by watching multiple episodes of Little People Big World.

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