Thursday, May 25, 2006

Slush Puppies

Steve: I walked into Davis to get a slush puppy at Store 24 and it's gone.
plasticann: What?
Steve: It's gone.
plasticann: Store 24 disappeared? When did that happen? What replaced it?
Steve: No, the slush puppy machine is gone.
plasticann: Is the store still there?
Steve: Yes, but no slush puppy machine.
plasticann: Oh, thank goodness! Why don't you go to 7-11 to get a slushy there?
Steve: I walked into Davis to get a slush puppy, I don't want to walk home and get in my car and fight traffic to go to 7-11.
plasticann: Why don't you get some Italian Ice.
Steve: Where?
plasticann: At that convenience store next to the park on Holland, I see kids coming out of there all the time with their blue/yellow Italian ice.
Steve: I guess I could venture down there.
plasticann: You'll have to let me know how it is.
Steve: OK! Later!

I felt kinda bad for Steve's loss, but I'm way happier that the Store 24 is still around. If Slush Puppy machine had to go so Store 24 could stay, I'd have to go with Store 24. I told plasticmom she could get her t-pass there this summer and I was really panicked when I initially misunderstood Steve.

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