Sunday, October 22, 2006

Everyday Italian Cookbook

I got the Everyday Italian cookbook for my birthday from Adam and it was just what I always wanted. I had also mentioned directly that I wanted it for my birthday the week before. Anyhow, I made two pasta dishes from it last week and both were very tasty. The following is a reconstructed conversation about my cooking repetoire:

plasticann: I'm so glad you got me that cookbook.
Adam: Me too, it's already paying off, you've made dinner twice. I'm glad you've expanded beyond polenta.
plasticann: [mock outrage] What are you saying? That I only make polenta?
Adam: That's exactly what I'm saying.
plasticann: Well, you're right, I pretty much only make polenta for dinner, but I cook once every two or three weeks so it's not like we eat it everyday.

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