Monday, April 15, 2013

Happy 10th Birthday plasticann dot blogspot dot com!

Today is a momentous day in so many ways small and large, happy and now sad.
  1. Tax day!
  2. Patriot's Day aka Boston Marathon Day postscript: also the marathon that got bombed :(
  3. First day of my "time off." I left my job on Friday and today (Monday) is the first day of my new life.
  4. My blog turns 10 years old today. I started blogging on April 15, 2003 and today is April 15, 2013. Back then, plasticmom used to call my web log my "website."

My blog birthday kinda snuck up on me. I figured it out last Thursday as I was winding down at my last job and preparing to take time off. How apropos that my blog birthday falls on the very first day of my next phase of life when I actually will have more time to pursue the things I enjoy and have time to reflect. The downside is that I won't have as many funny coworker stories to work into my reconstructed conversations. I guess Adam will just have to step it up on the joke front.

"You can take the girl out of work, but you can't take the work out of the girl."

So, what was the first thing I did this morning on my very first day off. I woke up at 8:00am, grabbed my laptop and started making some graphs. Adam said, "you can take the girl out of work, but you can't take the work out of the girl." Behold, a graph of the number of posts over the last 10 years. I added some call outs of major events just like I would have done in the past on any revenue graph I created.

Reflecting on the last 10 years, plasticann's life and world in 2013 is very different and very similar to plasticann's world back in 2003.  What's important has stayed the same and that's a good thing!

What's Old:

  • The most important people in my life are still in my life. Adam, plasticmom, MGDub, Wheezy, Zristen, Zave, Laurel, Steve, Zorinna, etc.
  • I still love food. I love baking, eating, etc. Still love donuts, cupcakes, fried chicken, etc.
  • My weight is about the same or at least within striking distance. I'll call it a win and I deserve absolutely zero credit for it
  • I still live in Davis Square
What's New:
  • Adam and I got married at some point in the last 10 years, well actually 8 years ago so I've been a Zakun for a while
  • MGDub, Laurel and Steve moved away and I still miss them
  • Zorinna moved back so that's a #WIN
  • I've lived in six different places during the last 10 years and I've worked at five places
  • I went back to school, got myself another fancy pants degree. Thanks plasticmom for footing the bill
Here's to the year ahead. I'm not sure what our crazy world will be like in 10 years. I'm sure by then we'll be flying around like the Jetsens. It's about time!

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