Monday, April 22, 2013

Unfastidiously Organized

Post It Note by my bed

This note is real. I actually consistently "forget" or willfully don't do the following:
  • Teacups: move my teacups or dishes from the living room to the kitchen and ideally into the dishwasher
  • Hair in shower: this is pretty self explanatory, but I'm supposed to clean out my hair in the shower and let's say I don't always do it. Adam quietly does it most of the time and only mentions it sometimes. He's a little long suffering sometimes.
  • Toilet paper: I guess it's good manners to install a fresh roll when we run out and also make sure there's a back up roll in the bathroom. I've also learned that placing a fresh roll on the counter does not count. I would argue that in my family of origin had much lower standards and a fresh roll on the counter absolutely gets credit. I also remember frequently hollering from the bathroom for more toilet paper so Adam's way is probably better.
  • Roll up mat: It would be polite to roll up my yoga mat so Adam doesn't have to walk around it
The following is a reconstructed conversation about the note:

Adam: Now that you have time and you're not working, could you please roll up your yoga mat at night so I don't have to walk around it? I might start stepping on it.
plasticann: You got it, I'm going to add it to my list
Adam: Is this an actual list or a mental list?
plasticann: Oh it's real. It's posted next to my bed and it says, "teacups," "hair in shower," and something else....
Adam: Toilet paper?
plasticann: That's it! Toilet paper is on the list and now I'm going to add roll up mat.
Adam: Do you look at this list everyday?
plasticann: No, but I needed to write it down to remember. I probably would have never admitted it before when I was working, but seems like this is a list of things that normal human beings would do and I probably should have been doing them all along.
Adam: Yeah, but it's OK sweetie.

Many people are surprised when they learn that I'm actually not that fastidious [understatement] because I seem so organized, but the thing is I'm actually very organized and on top of some things and utterly not on top of other things. I'd like to think that I'm just "prioritizing," but the truth is I'm constantly trying to reconcile a whole slew of contradictions that are simultaneously true about me.

1. I'm both hyper organized and utterly unfastidious
2. I'm both driven and undisciplined
3. I'm both on top of some things and not on top of a whole lot of other stuff
4. I'm both someone who owns personalized Post It notes and someone who has to be reminded to put a new roll of toilet paper on

Maybe I'm just like, I dunno, a normal human being with frailties and limitations. I'm getting a little better as I get older, maybe I'm mellowing out or maybe just maybe those pink personalized Post It lists are keeping my slovenly nature in check. 

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