Friday, August 08, 2003

Q: Where have all the Cowboys gone?
A: Kendall Square by way of Central.

Nina was heading back from the Coop yesterday when she spotted a Cowboy, hat and all, walking two horses down the street. Nina thought he was a protester, Jessica wondered if there was a Seabiscuit movie promotion with horses at the Harvard Square movie theater while I speculated it was some form of performance art. The following is a reconstructed conversation between Nina and her dad, let's call him "Dad."

Nina: I saw a cowboy walking two horses down the street in Kendall today.
Dad: That explains it.
Nina: What?
Dad: I was walking through Central today and there were these big things of poo and they seemed too big for a dog.
Nina: At work, we saw a huge turkey in the street a few months ago.
Dad: What kind of drugs are you all on?

Addendum: The "cowboy" is raising money for Paraguay.

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