Friday, August 01, 2003

"I know you're not Adam!"

While I rarely frequent my local library, I do stop by on occasion mostly to pick up Adam's books and DVDs. Since he's kind enough to request books that I enjoy, namely light Bridget Jones' type fare, and I derive utility from some of the DVDs he borrows, I'm more than happy to run an errand here and there when he's too busy. However, I've run into the same, probably only, male librarian twice thus far and both times he's said, "I know you're not Adam," upon my presenting Adam's library card. The following is yesterday evening's reconstructed conversation between Ann and Male Librarian, let's call him "ML":

Ann: I'd like to pick up some books on hold.
ML: (glancing at the card) I know you're not Adam!
Ann: No, he's busy tonight.
ML: I've noticed Adam's been going through the entire graphic novel collection of the Minuteman Library System for quite some time.
Ann: He's methodical like that.
ML: (begrudgingly) I guess I kind of have to admire the guy for it.

Apparently, Adam is notorious at the library for requesting and transferring truckloads of "books" (usually "graphic novels" which are colloquially referred to as "comic books"), but they never make these comments to him personally, just to other people who pick up his books. While Adam is very intelligent, well read and reads real books, his reading material of late has usually been stamped "Young Adult." Adam suspects the transportation costs of his book transfers may have contributed to the recent budget shortfalls forcing the library to cut its hours, but then again it's probably Mitt's fault anyways or we could just "Blame Canada!"

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