Monday, August 04, 2003

Unbelievable...Cinnabon Lip Balm

Inspired by last week's article entitled "The Art of Making Care Packages," I spent yesterday afternoon scouring the mall for fun finds with my friend Lara. A stop by the tween accessory haven, Claire's, resulted in the following discovery: lip balms in Junior Mint, Dairy Queen Dipped Chocolate Cone, Bubble Yum Grape, Hostess Twinkie and HoHos, Reese's PB Cup, PEZ, Sweet Tarts and Jelly Belly to name a few. I purchased a DQ Chocolate Dipped Cone lip balm for the care package I was making and went back for the DQ Butterscotch Sundae Lip Balm for Adam after the salesperson informed me it was "buy one get one half off." The Butterscotch Sundae looks, smells and even tastes like Butterscotch and the packaging is this cool cardboard diecut cone/sundae. My "research" indicates that a Cinnabon flavored lip balm was introduced this summer. Apparently, the lip balm tastes like a Cinnabon and is an olfactory trigger of that delicious Cinnabon scent wafting through the airport...I've gotta have it.

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