Friday, September 05, 2003


I'm assuming most folks don't dream of handbags, but I literally did dream about handbags (Vera Bradley to be exact) last weekend so I purchased a lovely Vera Bradley bag with lots of interior pockets in one of their less "busy" prints. While I share her love of bags, I've always scoffed at plasticmom's (and other bag obsessed members of our family’s) insistence that her bags feature lots of pockets and compartments. I'm not a very neat person by nature so I find having lots of compartments overwhelming since I rarely put things "where they belong."

I bought my aunt a Vera Bradley bag a few years ago, which was subsequently re-gifted to me a week later with my consent. Her issue with the bag was it lacked a bevy of interior pockets (she even brought in a Vera Bradley catalog to illustrate her point and explained the advantages of having a lighter colored interior namely being able to better see the contents of the bag) so I appropriated my Christmas gift to her because I didn’t share her qualms. These days, I'm singing a different tune...I must be getting old. Though I've used my new bag for less than 24 hours, thanks to its six interior pockets, my handbag has never been so organized or more fumbling around for my keys.

As much as plasticmom teases me about my soft spot for bags of all sorts, I'm always quick to remind her that she is equally if not more compulsive, "I learned it from watching you, Mom." She once promised me that the new backpack she was eyeing from LL Bean was the best backpack ever and she would never need another backpack again because it was absolutely perfect and fit all her needs. While the backpack looked very cool, I expressed my disbelief regarding her adamant assertion. However I assured her that I wouldn't judge her if she wanted to buy yet another backpack the following fall. When I gave Adam my backpack and proceeded to purchase the exact same one, but in a prettier color...rather than judging me, plasticmom stated, "if you don't give your backpack away, you'll never be able to have a new one." My aunt has always insisted, "you need bags to put your bags in." I suppose we're a family of enablers, but there are worse compulsions to heroin.

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