Wednesday, September 03, 2003


We've got one of these nifty Keurig coffee machines at work that brews and dispenses exactly 7.5 ounces of coffee with a push of a button. You choose your favorite flavor, stick the K-Cup in the machine, press the button, and out shoots your cup of coffee. The kitchen is stocked with a variety of K-Cup coffee flavors, but my favorite hands down is the Nantucket because it's "full, hearty and distinctively complex." At Adam's temp job, they had a Keurig machine as well and I'm pretty sure he methodically worked his way through all the different K-Cup flavors and concocted some combo coffee/hot chocolate frozen drinks as well. One day, we even did an equal exchange of K-Cups, his temp job had the Belgian Chocolate Nut, but didn't have Paradiso or Rain Forest Nut. I stopped in the kitchen this morning for some water when I noticed these new K-Cups for tea. They're from Celestial Seasonings and we had Green Tea and Mandarin Orange Spice. They seem kind of superfluous, but how could I resist so I opened up a box and brewed myself a spot of green tea just for the heck of it.

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