Friday, January 27, 2006

MGDub Especial - MGDub's Special Day

As she's in NYC, Adam and I were not able to celebrate MGDub's birthday with her yesterday. We did send her some cheerful flowers and I baked up a new and improved "MGDub's Special" cookie. Last summer, when we bid farewell to MGDub, I brough some oatmeal scotchies, a cookie MGDub enjoys, to her going away BBQ. Since Adam had a cookie named after him, "Adam's Favorite," MGDub expressed her desire to also be immortalized in a cookie. Adam suggested "In memory of MGDub," but MGDub wisely rejected that idea. Instead, she declared the oatmeal scotchies to be "MGDub's Special" cookie. While I did not account for MGDub's love of shrimp, I did incorporate her love of coconut into the new and improved "MGDub's Special," a coconut Butterscotch cookie right out of the Williams-Sonoma cookie cookbook. Early reviews from MGDub herself suggest that this one may be "MGDub's Favorite."


Anonymous said...

My actual name suggestion was:
"The MGDub Memorial Cookie"
I thought it a fitting tribute to a terrific friend... Ann, though, was outraged and retorted, "She's not dead, Adam!"

Anonymous said...

I love my new special cookie. It was a big hit at my birthday party. The coconut pushes it into a whole new realm of yumminess! Thanks, plasticann!!!