Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Blond or Not...a crackpot theory

My last post, "I wanna be a blond" generated quite a few comments. I stand corrected, many people think of Adam as a "blond." Unfortunately for Adam, I've already mailed in his passport application so he's officially "light brown" for the next ten years. However, I'm still confused. At what point does someone cease to be blond and begin to be light brown? Seems very subjective and I wonder if [here's my theory] those who are "blondish" have a more liberal definition of what's considered blond, namely their blond spectrum is wider than those who are "non-blondish." See, I define blonds as those who are pretty darned blond, like yellow hair that's always yellow in all types of lighting situations. Is the breadth of our perceived blondness spectrum of ourselves and others affected by our own blondness and our desire to be blond? Hmmmm...don't know! Discuss!


Anonymous said...

When I read the previous blog entry, CAD Cowboy and I both thought Adam's hair was light brown. I have black hair (no where near blond) and CAD Cowboy definitely has blond hair. No blurry boundaries... does this confirm your theory?

Ann said...

Hmmm, maybe it's only those who are not quite blond but not quite brown that have the broadest definition of "blondness." Heck, it is a crackpot theory.

alissa said...

are you callin me a crackpot? upon closer inspection yesterday (closer inspection meaning i actually saw adam) his hair is actually much more light brown than i had previously thought. i still think there is a blond quality to it though. he'll definitely be blond in the summer. angel says he's blond, although she kept repeating the phrase "really dirty blond" over and over.