Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Go Pats

Like I mentioned, the Pats won their playoff game on Sunday and Adam was so excited, we watched the highlights of the game on HD on Monday morning. While I was initially humoring him by watching the game, I was really glad to have seen some of the highlights in the end. My favorite, when they went for the 2 pointer and they snapped the ball to #33, not Tom Brady and then Tom Brady pretended to miss the ball and then they faked out the Chargies. I'm a fan of many aspects of the Patriots. I like their nice colors, I like that Belichick wears that nappy gray hoodie with the sleeves chopped off [no suits here] and I like that they're from New England, I don't actually know very many of the players' names except Bruschi, Brady and of course Belichick so most of my football game chatter run along the lines of, "How is Brady doing, is he looking cute?" and "Do you think Brady and Belichick hang out and have dinner?" and "I like Bruschi." The following is a reconstructed conversation:

plasticann: Do you know why we like Tom Brady?
Adam: No...why?
plasticann: He's from California, but he plays for New England.
Adam: [pause] Like us!
plasticann: Yes, except that we're not athletic.
Adam: But, we are from California and "play" for New England.


Anonymous said...

i thought i posted something here and it didn't show up. boo hoo. i don't want to post the same thing because it will of course be worded slightly differtly and if my post does show up i'll seem like dumbass. so perhaps the world will never know what i was going to comment. too bad.

Anonymous said...

oh i guess i am a dumbass and posted the original post incorrectly. anyway, what i said was that i love that play too! i recently found out it's called a direct snap. i've heard it's really fun to imitate Tom Brady's musical-theater-style half-turn-jump in your kitchen immediately after seeing the highlight clip.

Ann said...

I have to admit, I asked Adam if we could reenact the play in the living room at Adam's parent's house. It was fun, but a little lackluster and chaotic. I think Adam's dad thought we were being weeeird.

Anonymous said...

ya, it's harder than it looks. you gotta practice ;)