Sunday, January 07, 2007

My Clean Sleepy Cave

is my latest moniker for our bed now that we just washed our sheets. I'm embarrassed to admit, but it's been too long since we last laundered our bedding. Part of the problem is having only one comforter cover. Also, we no longer have the laundry machine in our apartment unit. Lastly, we've been lazy and busy. Now that the sheets are clean, I just love our bed. I even wrapped myself in our still warm from the dryer flannel sheets and laid there swaddled in the warmth. Pure Bliss! The following is a reconstructed conversation:

plasticann: I love how our sheets are so clean and smell so nice. I think I'm going to skip church tomorrow and hang out here.
Adam: Notice, I put in TWO dryer sheets, that's why they smell so nice.
plasticann: We should wash our sheets more often, clean sheets are so nice. It had been way to long and our sheets were kinda icky.
Adam: It wasn't that long. I mean in college I sometimes didn't wash my sheets for an entire semester.
plasticann: Ummm [genuinely unsure how to respond]

At least he tried to make me feel better, but it didn't quite work.

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