Monday, April 28, 2003


My friend "Zrad" tells me he's a loyal reader of my blog and it's educational to boot. "Zrad" is a PhD candidate in Chemical Engineering at a nearby university, rhymes with BIT. He's a smart guy, but like most folks he has a back up plan for the future. He hopes to play pro football someday and is always working hard to bulk up for his football career. I like "Zrad" cause he's funny and nice, but also because he likes to eat my cookies and since he's always trying to put on some weight, calories mean nothing to him. The more butter I use, the better in his mind. This is a reconstruction of a conversation at church.

Zrad: I've been reading your blog every morning. It's kind of educational, I learned how to spell comeuppance the other day.
Ann: I'm so honored you read it. I'm a bad speller too, I had to spell check that one since I never know if there's an "e" or not.
Zrad: I tried looking it up in the dictionary, but didn't know how it was spelled.
Ann: How did you think it was spelled?
Zrad: I thought the word "muffins" was in there somewhere.
Ann: Like "Comemuffins?"
Zrad: Yeah...if you say it fast enough and in the right context, no one calls your bluff.

There you go folks, you learn something new everyday

Note: The identity of "Zrad" is very thinly veiled. I think "Zrad" hasn't gotten his "comemuffins" only because he's too smart and talks too fast.

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