Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Fresh Fruit Pies

One of my favorite summer treats is Fresh Fruit Pie from Marie Callender's. Fresh strawberry or fresh peaches piled high in a buttery crust topped with a sugary glaze. The fruit was always sweet and ripe and the crust was flaky. Growing up as an only child, my mom and I always had this tense standoff when it came to bulk food or really even regular sized food, hence a morbid facination with bulk food. Let me explain, since I was the only one who ate Oreos I would have to buy snack packs of Oreos rather than a normal one pound package.

Tensions would rise each summer when it came to the Fresh Fruit Pie. When they were in season, the pies would go on sale for under $10 and one had the option of purchasing a whole pie or just a slice. My mom would always insist I get the single slice while I would always insist the whole pie would be more economical and because I would get to eat so much more yummy pie. For four to five dollars more, I could buy the other 75% of the pie. On the other hand, my mom had a point, a whole pie is a lot of pie. Whenever I got my way and got the whole pie, I would be eating fruit pie at least 2-3 times a day for the next day or two. Now I'm never home in the summer to buy Fresh Fruit Pies. I get misty eyed just thinking about it.

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