Friday, April 25, 2003

Robert, Jennifer, Ahmad and now Matt

Over the last few months, I’ve gotten to meet some of my neighbors. I’ve never actually met them, but I know they’re my neighbors because our paper delivery person has been delivering their papers to my house.

I decided to get my paper delivered to my work last month because I got a bit paranoid about a neighbor (a.k.a. evil stranger) receiving my paper. The papers come labeled with your full name, address, and conveniently your account number. Just imagine the havoc one could wreak with that information (The number is 1-800-JOURNAL, but you didn’t hear it from me.)

Further evidence my paper delivery person ignores the address- I received two copies of the WSJ every morning for a full month after I changed my delivery address. One at work and one at home. I’ve been giving my extra papers to Nina, but my paper delivery person must have wised up last week because I stopped getting them at home. I thought I was in the clear, but lo and behold I got a paper this morning. That's how I "met" Matt.

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