Thursday, April 17, 2003

Molten Chocolate Cake
Today's edition of the Wall Street Journal-Personal Journal section has an article on chain restaurants going gourmet titled "Nachoes, Wings, and Ceviche: Haute Cuisine Hits the Mall." Featured is a thumbnail sized color photo of Chili's molten chocolate cake. I've had that molten chocolate cake and mines looked just like that photo thanks to chain restaurant conformity. While I enjoy the cake, my friend Kellie LOVES that specific dessert. She will request going to Chili's, order a healthy FRIED chicken salad so she'll have room for her own order of molten chocolate cake. Once I asked if she'd like to share a dessert and she hemmed and hawed until she requested I should order my own because she wanted a whole cake to herself. These cakes are not small so even Kellie couldn't finish a whole cake.

Dunkin Donuts and Kellie
I'll take this opportunity to share with you all that when Kellie and I were in college, we would go hang out at Dunkin Donuts on a Saturday night. We would always intend to go to Ben & Jerry's, but the draw of Dunkin Donuts would be overwhelming. You may be wondering why given that Dunkin Donuts are inferior to Krispy Kremes, because donuts were $1.99 a dozen in the evenings and there's no greater fat for your dollar ratio. You can't even buy one small cone at B&J's for $1.99. We would aspire to, but could never ever eat the whole dozen between the two of us. Kellie would accuse me of wimping out after donut number two. She could eat three because she rowed varsity crew and burned about 3000 calories each day. We would take our leftover donuts back to the coed fraternity we were in and share with our tipsy neighbors. I probably did my econ homework or something nerdy like that after these late night runs.

Last note on donuts (for today)

A reconstructed conversation on donuts between me and two friends, let's call them Brownsyne and Abina (those are their real names)

Ann: I love donuts
Brownsyne: They're so yummy
Abina: They're the worst thing ever for you
Ann: No they're not
Abina: Name one thing that's worse for you
Ann: Lard
Brownsyne: Heroin

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