Monday, April 21, 2003

I just might be a Genius

Sometimes I get a big head and my chest swells with pride when I think of something brilliant. [This is usually a revolutionary craft idea.] Sometimes I tell my friend Michelle about my brilliance because she's very encouraging and doesn't judge me for not having enough humility. After I tell her about my brilliant idea, we usually end these conversations with the following exchange:

Ann: I just might be Genius
Michelle: COOL! That makes me a friend of a Genius. Maybe I want to be famous someday.
Ann: Then I could be a friend of a famous person.
[Then we bask in the glow of our self-congratulations]

I actually could be a genius given I have an above average IQ, but I've never figured out what genius level IQ entails. Knowing that you may be a genius, but not really knowing if you are is not really helpful. You can't really put on your resume or tell people, "I may or may not be a genius, but the votes are still out there." [Not that I'm advocating putting on your resume that you're a member of MENSA. That's in poor taste and indicates high IQ, but low EQ or some sort of "Q" like that. As the recruiting coordinator for my office, I would frown upon such practices so heads up prospective job candidates.] My mom comforts me sometimes by reminding me that I'm still pretty darned smart given a childhood car accident where I was knocked unconscious. I'm not sure if knowing you could have been smarter had your brain not suffered some sort of trauma is much comfort. However, I like to think maybe the accident made me smarter so I really lucked out in the end by not wearing a seat belt when I was three.

Moral of the story: wear a's the law.

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