Thursday, June 12, 2003

"comeuppance" here, "comeuppance" there, "comeuppance" everywhere

By the way, I think my mom is quite simply AWESOME. English is not her first language, but she sure is a quick study and has a vast vocabulary she whips out when I'm least expecting it. After all, she was the one who got me reading the Wall Street Journal when I a kid. My first cognitive memory of the WSJ middle column was in second grade when I brought in an article for show and tell about people who kept Vietnamese pot bellied pigs as household pets dressed them up in costumes...the thought of pigs wearing clothes is especially hilarious when one is seven. Back to the her always growing vocabulary, she's currently working on a final paper for her class on the leadership styles portrayed in the film, Schindler's List. The best part is this reference to fate of the evil Nazi camp commandant, "Consequently, he was hanged after the war, comeuppance." Completely in context, spelled correctly, slightly off grammatically, but otherwise brilliant. I can just imagine her pondering with glee as she whips out yet another word from her little notebook of cool words that I know she keeps. I've never spoken to her about the word "comeuppance" and I doubt she's been watching the Simpsons, the Magnificent Ambersons, or reading a Maltin review of Down With Love and I know she doesn't read my blog. I'm sending the paper back to her with minor grammatical and stylistic changes, but other than that, I think my mom is pure genius.

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