Tuesday, June 17, 2003

My first love...

...well, not exactly. I was working on some craft projects while watching TV last night when I rediscovered my self-healing cutting mat and my cork backed stainless steel ruler. They're two of my oldest, but favorite tools. I haven't been using my self healing cutting mat much since I lacerated my finger with an X-ACTO knife one Thanksgiving and finally invested in a paper cutter, but I was reminded how much I love its self healing properties (gotta love technology) and it's lovely printed measuring grid (how convenient). I also think my cork back stainless steel ruler (no slippage while cutting and very durable) is just simply "the best." I especially love my old one because it's got inches on both sides of the ruler rather than metric on one side. While I appreciate metric, having inches on both sides of my ruler allows me to line things up easily because the measurements line up exactly on both sides. It's really the little things in life.

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