Wednesday, June 18, 2003

"Don't Pee on My Leg and Tell Me It's Raining:..."

I once asked a college friend (more like an acquaintance) what his dad did and he answered, "he makes yogurt." This conjured up images of his dad rising at dusk to make yogurt in his shop, make that a "shoppe." Bread maker, candlestick maker, butcher, yogurt maker...not entirely inconceivable and I really don't know much about the French to culturally dispute the existence of "old timey" artisan yogurt makers in every town. The fact that they lived in New York City and made yogurt was odd, but I didn't press the discrepancy. As it turns out, his dad was something like the North American President of Dannon Yogurt. I don't personally think his dad can legitimately list "yogurt maker" under "occupation." Anyhow...his dad's now moved up from "yogurt maker" and is now a "socially aware, we don't use animal testing soap maker."

However, I do have a legitimate beef with Dannon. I enjoy their yogurt, but their "let's put only six ounces of yogurt in a container that accommodates eight ounces and tell them that we've substituted air for yogurt and given them 'room' on top so they can add their own 'stir in' without fear of overfilling their yogurt cups and please give me an award for spinning a shrinking product as an innovation to our customers," marketing enrages me. Oh I look like an idiot? Don't answer that!

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