Friday, June 06, 2003

My friend...

Nina was confused when I started referring to the office printers by their model numbers...almost as if they were my friends.

Ann: Yes! I'm so excited.
Nina: What are you excited about?
Ann: I've been having trouble with 5i and 8000 all week and I didn't know if it was my problem, but now 8000 works and I no longer have to use 5.
Nina: What are talking about?
Ann: The printers, Laser Jet 5, 5i and 8000.

Unfortunately, I don't win any creativity points for referring to the printers by their literal model number. Michelle used to work in an office with computers named "BET," "MTV," & "VH1," which lends to conversations about office equipment that are actually funny and not just confusing and weird.

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