Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Business Cards

My office is moving next week and today I received my third set of business cards in anticipation of our new home. I didn't get my first set of business cards until several months after I started working and I once had to doctor Nina's cards the day before I interviewed candidates at my alma mater. I spent the day assuring people, "I really do work here," but it looked a bit fishy since I had crossed out Nina's name and e-mail and handwritten my own with a black Sharpie.

Other than recruiting, I rarely use my business cards so now I'm rolling in unused outdated cards. Mostly I give them to plasticmom so she knows where to find me and as evidence to allay any fears she may have about whether I'm gainfully employed. While I've accumulated my third box of cards, Nina ultimately takes the prize among the analysts here having accumulated I think her fifth box of cards. I'm contemplating an art project using my cards. So what if we can't afford art for our walls, we can create our own with trash...v. avant-garde.

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