Thursday, July 17, 2003

Soup Nazi

It's interesting how the word "nazi" has become a part of our cultural lexicon. Everyone knows "the soup nazi" refers to a fanatical and perhaps maniacal soup purveyor on Seinfeld. His customers covet his delicious soups, but cower in fear hoping to escape his establishment with a cup of soup without incurring his wrath. Last night at my church small group, fitness instructors became the topic of conversation. While I'm certain there hasn't been a recent influx of goose-stepping fitness instructors who are members of a German fascist regime, certain unnamed (simply because I don' know the names) instructors at local Beantown gyms were dubbed, the "Yoga Nazi" and the "Spin Nazi." My friends had a difficult time remembering the masochistic unforgivingly relentless "Yoga Nazi's" Christian name because it seems everyone referred to her as the "Yoga Nazi." Some of my coworkers have surmised that invoking the name of "Hitler" will drastically shift, if not end, many an inane arguments. For example, an imaginary argument between three reoccurring characters from my Joke of the Day calendar:

Little Joey: I prefer Coffeemate Liquid Creamer to Half & Half for my coffee
Pearl: I drink my coffee black.
Shirl: I only use real cream in my coffee...that fake liquid creamer is an atrocity.
Little Joey: Well, that's something Hitler would say.
Pearl & Shirl: HUH!!!

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