Thursday, July 10, 2003

On the Lam...

not really...
I'm no Whitey, but I have been "legally" skirting jury duty for the past seven years and I've actually been called at least five times. For years I got away with the whole "I'm a student and I'm not in California, I can't possibly show up on the date you've requested," routine, but Massachusetts finally caught up to me. I'm still smarting over how they finally got's got to be taxes I pay because I'm not registered to vote in MA, own a car in MA. have a MA driver's license, etc. As far as I'm concerned, I barely exist and should be vapor in the eyes of MA state government.

Having postponed my original assigned date from last February, I had to show up today to perform my civic duty. My panel got called around noon, but I got myself excused because of what I thought was a legitimate reason why I would not be impartial. Then I got dismissed for the rest of the day and I was actually excited to come back to work. Either I'm a big dork or I like my work...I'd like to think it's the latter.

My point is...I've done my civic duty and I'm exempt for three longer do I live a life of darkness looking over my shoulder wondering when the next jury duty notice will come in the mail. I can now say, "Here's my official letter, I've already served...take that California...take that Massachusetts." I suppose the seven courses in American politics in college left me a bit disillusioned---now I'm just a cynical, but self aware because I used to be a political science major, free-rider. Hopefully with some intense re-education by means of listening to Schoolhouse Rocks America Rocks repeatedly, maybe I'll become a more responsible citizen. One can only hope.

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