Monday, July 22, 2013

Costco: a little slice of America with a giant dash of Taiwan

One of my relatives mentioned going to Costco so I couldn't resist piping up to exclaim, "Costco, I love Costco, can I go to Costco?" Costco in Taipei pretty much feels like any Costco in America except this one was two floors, a small concession to its urban location. Same cavernous warehouse with pallets look and feel with a mix of American and Asian products tailored to the local tastes. 

You've got your bulk M&Ms vs. bulk Chinese candies and your bulk Skippy PB vs. giant jars of black sesame paste. I have a new theory that you can figure out what "authentic" foods the "locals" enjoy by going to a Costco. People only buy in bulk things they eat a lot of and Costco is only going to sell products that people want to buy. Based on this theory of mine, I can report on the following local food trends surmised from today's Costco trip.

Everyone loves Pandas and they love Panda cookies even more

Instant savory porridge is huge for breakfast. It's kinda like packets of instant oatmeal. They offer three different flavors of bulk instant porridge so they must turn over this SKU pretty quickly

BSS+J will be the next next thing among the playground set
Black Sesame Spread + Jelly
I bought a giant tub to bring home myself

[Costco's] Kirkland Signature offers Singapore Laksa, a curry noodle like dish. I wonder if the folks back in Kirkland, WA enjoy this dish in the Costco company cafeteria?

Chip aisle featured about 6 varieties of bulk chips, one of which was Lays Seaweed Potato Chips. I'm guessing that this product is hugely popular...why else would people buy five pound bags of this stuff

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