Saturday, July 20, 2013

How to know you've "done good?"

Even though plasticmom is not stereotypically "Chinese" and will actually verbally affirm me, we are afterall Chinese. Here are a few ways I've figured out that I've "done good" in the food purchasing category.

Pineapple Cakes

When Adam and I went to Jiufen, I noticed a whole bunch of bakeries selling pineapple cakes. Admittedly, they sell pineapple cakes pretty much everywhere in Taiwan, but I was curious if the pineapple cakes were especially delicious here in Jiafen so I asked our tour guide if he had a recommendation for pineapple cakes. In fact, he did have a favorite pineapple cake bakery and walked us over where they offered us some samples. Furthermore, the samples were delicious so Adam and I decided to buy a few boxes to bring home since they're some of my family's favorite treats. The following is a reconstructed conversation:

plasticann: plasticmom, we brought back boxes of pineapple cakes from Jiafen for you.
plasticmom: What??? Why did you buy pineapple cakes from Jiafen? [Everyone knows] the best pineapple cakes are from Keelung
plasticann: Well, we tried the samples and we thought they were pretty good so we wanted to get you a gift.
plasticmom: Ok ok! 
plasticann: [taking plasticmom aside]'s a gift...the pineapple cakes are going to be OK even though they're from Jiafen. Just enjoy's a gift.
plasticmom: Ha ha! Ok! Thank you for the gift.

[One week later when I came back from Singapore]

plasticann: [looking at the kitchen table] What are these two pineapple cakes for?
plasticmom: We saved you two pineapple cakes.
plasticann: Um, did they taste OK?
plasticmom: Yeah, they were really good, very delicious. We ate them all super fast so we saved you two so you could try them.
plasticann: [Whew!] I'm glad they were good.
plasticmom: Sorry I said they wouldn't be good since they weren't from Keelung. You were right!
plasticann: That's OK...are you sure they were good? Are you just saying that?
Other Family: Ohhh, they were very good. I ate them in twos.

Postscript: You know it's good when they're eating pineapple cakes in units of two. That's the ultimate compliment because these people vote with their stomachs. In retrospect, of course the pineapple cakes were going to be awesome. Would plasticann gift plasticmom crappy pineapple cakes? That's crazy talk!

Leek Pies...looks like a calzone filled with leeks and other veggies

I wanted to find the hole in the wall soybean milk / fried cruller place today and I invited plasticmom to come with. However, she declined because it was "too far" so I went over on my own and picked up some soybean milk, fried cruller in bread sandwich and a leek pie for plasticmom to try.

plasticann: Hey guys, I brought back a leek pie for you to try.
plasticmom: [only politely interested] Thank you! Where did you go?
plasticann: Around the corner, down the street, turn left...
plasticmom: Geez, that's soooo far.
plasticann: [cutting the pie in pieces] Do you want to try some?
plasticmom: [politely] Sure, I'll have a bite.

[plasticmom has a "little bite" then another "little bite" and then offers it to Other Family]

plasticmom: Are you planning to eat the rest of that [leek pie]?
plasticann: No, it's all yours. Do you like it?
plasticmom: I like that it has a lot of veggies. I'm eating the veggies.

[20 minutes later after breakfast]

plasticmom: What time do you think that place opens on Monday?
plasticann: What place?
plasticmom: The leek pie place?
plasticann: They open around 6am.
plasticmom: Yeah, but what time do they have the leek pies?
plasticann: I guess by 8 or 9.
plasticmom: We should get some for your great aunt. She'll like it.
plasticann: Great! I'd be happy to go buy them on Monday. How many should I get?
plasticmom: I want to come with you.
plasticann: I'm happy to go on my own. I don't want you to walk too far. 
plasticmom: I need to come with you so I know how to find the place again after you go home. 

Postscript: Here are some clues that plasticmom communicates that you've "done good:"
  • she keeps eating the food even after the first polite "little bite"
  • she offers some to Other Family
  • she asks if you plan on eating your portion
  • she asks where "exactly" the store is
  • she asks to come with and walk a "far" distance to buy more just so she can find the store again
  • she wants to "gift" a few to her aunt on her next visit

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