Friday, January 14, 2011

Donut Tape Dispensers

My supply of Hi-Tec C pens was running so low, I actually had a nightmare one night that every pen I tried ran out of ink and I was freaking out so I went on to replenish my stash. While I was picking out my beloved pens, I saw these genius donut tape dispensers. I thought it would be funny to get them for my coworkers because they enthusiastic consumers of the Verna's donuts I often bring to work. I ordered a variety of tape dispenser "donuts" and "wrapped" them in plain brown paper bags. I wrote the "flavor" of the donut, added a Dunkin Donuts napkin I pilfered from the mall and haphazardly stapled the bags shut. Then I went around the office offering my coworkers holiday "treats" and I asked them what "flavor" they wanted: chocolate, caramel, custard, etc. I got plenty of laughs and I had a blast tricking people, but one of my coworkers was super concerned about the flavor she picked. She really wanted the cuppuccino, but coffee made her stay awake so maybe she should get another flavor. I felt kinda bad that I was being mischievous so I encouraged her to get the cuppuccino and said I'd let her trade if she didn't like it. One of them displays his "donut" on top of his travel mug and it looks real.

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