Friday, May 30, 2003

The Bumpkins

Adam and I journeyed to NYC last weekend for a wedding. The wedding was lovely and the food was wonderful by the way, but our initial attempts to navigate the NYC subway were subpar. Unless you're hapless like I am, you don't usually have to pay an extra fare just to take your suitcase with you. Upon arriving in NYC on a Saturday morning, I was in charge of rolling Adam's small suitcase since he had to carry his very heavy and cumbersome rental tuxedo on a hanger. After doing our cost/benefit analysis of whether to buy an unlimited fun pass, we decide to just get a dollar denomination metro card. I enter the subway turnstiles dragging the suitcase behind me and somehow the suitcase handle gets hooked in the turnstile prongs and becomes stuck with a line of people behind me waiting to go through. Displaying somewhat quick thinking and after trying to pry the suitcase from the turnstile prongs, Adam finally slid his metro card a second time paying a extra fare to free the suitcase. Tempers were flaring with indignation and I was especially cranky due to lack of sleep and hunger. I said something like, "Well, I didn't get the suitcase stuck on purpose." Then we had to laugh because the whole hoopla was just comical...two bumpkins in the big city...what is this turnstile contraption you speak of?

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