Friday, May 16, 2003

For the Love of Graphs

My friend "Zrad" sent me this hilarious article from the Onion, "Break-Up Made Easier with Colorful Visual Aids." I'm also happy to report, "Zrad" has been enjoying Fluffernutter bagel sandwiches for breakfast and is now a proud owner of his first tub of Fluff along with a companion copy of "The Yummy Book."

Last February, my mom was uncharacteristically bemoaning about her age because she was rolling into her sixth decade, her argument being that she was twice my age. I was quick to point out that her age as a multiple to mine had been decreasing exponentially over the years so she was really getting relatively younger. To visually demonstrate my point, I made her this great line graph in Excel titled "How Old: Mom versus Ann." [The graph resembles the Superman rollar coaster ride without all the extra bumps toward the end, just one huge free fall. She was infinite times older than me when I was a fetus, 26 times older than me when was one and now she's 100% older than me. When she sprightly enters into her second century, she'll only be 33% older than me.] Although I thought my dramatic visual aid was a clever application of my chart making talents, she only found it to be mildly amusing.

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